class Gem::Indexer
Top level class for building the gem repository index.
Build indexes for RubyGems 1.2.0 and newer when true
Index install location
Latest specs index install location
Prerelease specs index install location
Specs index install location
Index build directory
Public Class Methods
Create an indexer that will index the gems in directory
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 46 def initialize(directory, options = {}) require "fileutils" require "tmpdir" require "zlib" options = { :build_modern => true }.merge options @build_modern = options[:build_modern] @dest_directory = directory @directory = Dir.mktmpdir "gem_generate_index" marshal_name = "Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}" @master_index = File.join @directory, "yaml" @marshal_index = File.join @directory, marshal_name @quick_dir = File.join @directory, "quick" @quick_marshal_dir = File.join @quick_dir, marshal_name @quick_marshal_dir_base = File.join "quick", marshal_name # FIX: UGH @quick_index = File.join @quick_dir, "index" @latest_index = File.join @quick_dir, "latest_index" @specs_index = File.join @directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}" @latest_specs_index = File.join(@directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @prerelease_specs_index = File.join(@directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_latest_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_prerelease_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @files = [] end
Public Instance Methods
Build various indices
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 88 def build_indices specs = map_gems_to_specs gem_file_list Gem::Specification._resort! specs build_marshal_gemspecs specs build_modern_indices specs if @build_modern compress_indices end
Builds Marshal quick index gemspecs.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 100 def build_marshal_gemspecs(specs) count = specs.count progress = ui.progress_reporter count, "Generating Marshal quick index gemspecs for #{count} gems", "Complete" files = [] Gem.time "Generated Marshal quick index gemspecs" do specs.each do |spec| next if spec.default_gem? spec_file_name = "#{spec.original_name}.gemspec.rz" marshal_name = File.join @quick_marshal_dir, spec_file_name marshal_zipped = Gem.deflate Marshal.dump(spec) marshal_name, "wb" do |io| io.write marshal_zipped end files << marshal_name progress.updated spec.original_name end progress.done end @files << @quick_marshal_dir files end
Build a single index for RubyGems 1.2 and newer
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 136 def build_modern_index(index, file, name) say "Generating #{name} index" Gem.time "Generated #{name} index" do, "wb") do |io| specs = do |*spec| # We have to splat here because latest_specs is an array, while the # others are hashes. spec = spec.flatten.last platform = spec.original_platform # win32-api-1.0.4-x86-mswin32-60 unless String === platform alert_warning "Skipping invalid platform in gem: #{spec.full_name}" next end platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? || platform.empty? [, spec.version, platform] end specs = compact_specs(specs) Marshal.dump(specs, io) end end end
Builds indices for RubyGems 1.2 and newer. Handles full, latest, prerelease
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 166 def build_modern_indices(specs) prerelease, released = specs.partition do |s| s.version.prerelease? end latest_specs = Gem::Specification._latest_specs specs build_modern_index(released.sort, @specs_index, "specs") build_modern_index(latest_specs.sort, @latest_specs_index, "latest specs") build_modern_index(prerelease.sort, @prerelease_specs_index, "prerelease specs") @files += [@specs_index, "#{@specs_index}.gz", @latest_specs_index, "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz", @prerelease_specs_index, "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz"] end
Compacts Marshal output for the specs index data source by using identical objects as much as possible.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 234 def compact_specs(specs) names = {} versions = {} platforms = {} do |(name, version, platform)| names[name] = name unless names.include? name versions[version] = version unless versions.include? version platforms[platform] = platform unless platforms.include? platform [names[name], versions[version], platforms[platform]] end end
Compress filename
with extension
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 251 def compress(filename, extension) data = Gem.read_binary filename zipped = Gem.deflate data "#{filename}.#{extension}", "wb" do |io| io.write zipped end end
Compresses indices on disk
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 218 def compress_indices say "Compressing indices" Gem.time "Compressed indices" do if @build_modern gzip @specs_index gzip @latest_specs_index gzip @prerelease_specs_index end end end
List of gem file names to index.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 264 def gem_file_list Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir("*.gem", File.join(@dest_directory, "gems")) end
Builds and installs indices.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 271 def generate_index make_temp_directories build_indices install_indices rescue SignalException ensure FileUtils.rm_rf @directory end
Zlib::GzipWriter wrapper that gzips filename
on disk.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 283 def gzip(filename) "#{filename}.gz" do |io| io.write Gem.read_binary(filename) end end
Install generated indices into the destination directory.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 292 def install_indices verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose say "Moving index into production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose files = @files files.delete @quick_marshal_dir if files.include? @quick_dir if files.include?(@quick_marshal_dir) && !files.include?(@quick_dir) files.delete @quick_marshal_dir dst_name = File.join(@dest_directory, @quick_marshal_dir_base) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(dst_name), :verbose => verbose FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose, dst_name, :verbose => verbose, :force => true) end files = do |path| path.sub(%r{^#{Regexp.escape @directory}/?}, "") # HACK? end files.each do |file| src_name = File.join @directory, file dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose, @dest_directory, :verbose => verbose, :force => true) end end
Make directories for index generation
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 328 def make_temp_directories FileUtils.rm_rf @directory FileUtils.mkdir_p @directory, :mode => 0o700 FileUtils.mkdir_p @quick_marshal_dir end
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 186 def map_gems_to_specs(gems) do |gemfile| if File.size(gemfile) == 0 alert_warning "Skipping zero-length gem: #{gemfile}" next end begin spec = spec.loaded_from = gemfile spec.abbreviate spec.sanitize spec rescue SignalException alert_error "Received signal, exiting" raise rescue StandardError => e msg = ["Unable to process #{gemfile}", "#{e.message} (#{e.class})", "\t#{e.backtrace.join "\n\t"}"].join("\n") alert_error msg end end.compact end
Ensure path
and path with extension
are identical.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 337 def paranoid(path, extension) data = Gem.read_binary path compressed_data = Gem.read_binary "#{path}.#{extension}" unless data == Gem::Util.inflate(compressed_data) raise "Compressed file #{compressed_path} does not match uncompressed file #{path}" end end
Perform an in-place update of the repository from newly added gems.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 349 def update_index make_temp_directories specs_mtime = File.stat(@dest_specs_index).mtime newest_mtime = 0 updated_gems = do |gem| gem_mtime = File.stat(gem).mtime newest_mtime = gem_mtime if gem_mtime > newest_mtime gem_mtime >= specs_mtime end if updated_gems.empty? say "No new gems" terminate_interaction 0 end specs = map_gems_to_specs updated_gems prerelease, released = specs.partition {|s| s.version.prerelease? } files = build_marshal_gemspecs specs Gem.time "Updated indexes" do update_specs_index released, @dest_specs_index, @specs_index update_specs_index released, @dest_latest_specs_index, @latest_specs_index update_specs_index(prerelease, @dest_prerelease_specs_index, @prerelease_specs_index) end compress_indices verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose say "Updating production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose files << @specs_index files << "#{@specs_index}.gz" files << @latest_specs_index files << "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz" files << @prerelease_specs_index files << "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz" files = do |path| path.sub(%r{^#{Regexp.escape @directory}/?}, "") # HACK? end files.each do |file| src_name = File.join @directory, file dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file # REFACTOR: duped above src_name, dst_name, :verbose => verbose, :force => true File.utime newest_mtime, newest_mtime, dst_name end ensure FileUtils.rm_rf @directory end
Combines specs in index
and source
then writes out a new copy to dest
. For a latest index, does not ensure the new file is minimal.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 413 def update_specs_index(index, source, dest) specs_index = Marshal.load Gem.read_binary(source) index.each do |spec| platform = spec.original_platform platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? || platform.empty? specs_index << [, spec.version, platform] end specs_index = compact_specs specs_index.uniq.sort dest, "wb" do |io| Marshal.dump specs_index, io end end