Option unconverted_fields

Specifies the boolean that determines whether unconverted field values are to be available.

Default value:

CSV::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.fetch(:unconverted_fields) # => nil

The unconverted field values are those found in the source data, prior to any conversions performed via option converters.

When option unconverted_fields is true, each returned row (Array or CSV::Row) has an added method, unconverted_fields, that returns the unconverted field values:

str = <<-EOT
# Without unconverted_fields
csv = CSV.parse(str, converters: :integer)
csv # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
csv.first.respond_to?(:unconverted_fields) # => false
# With unconverted_fields
csv = CSV.parse(str, converters: :integer, unconverted_fields: true)
csv # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
csv.first.respond_to?(:unconverted_fields) # => true
csv.first.unconverted_fields # => ["foo", "0"]