class DRb::DRbIdConv

Class responsible for converting between an object and its id.

This, the default implementation, uses an object’s local ObjectSpace __id__ as its id. This means that an object’s identification over drb remains valid only while that object instance remains alive within the server runtime.

For alternative mechanisms, see DRb::TimerIdConv in drb/timeridconv.rb and DRbNameIdConv in sample/name.rb in the full drb distribution.

Public Instance Methods

to_id(obj) click to toggle source

Convert an object into a reference id.

This implementation returns the object’s __id__ in the local object space.

# File drb-2.2.1/lib/drb/drb.rb, line 374
def to_id(obj)
  case obj
  when Object
    obj.nil? ? nil : obj.__id__
  when BasicObject
to_obj(ref) click to toggle source

Convert an object reference id to an object.

This implementation looks up the reference id in the local object space and returns the object it refers to.

# File drb-2.2.1/lib/drb/drb.rb, line 366
def to_obj(ref)