class Bundler::GemVersionPromoter

This class contains all of the logic for determining the next version of a Gem to update to based on the requested level (patch, minor, major). Primarily designed to work with Resolver which will provide it the list of available dependency versions as found in its index, before returning it to to the resolution engine to select the best version.



By default, strict is false, meaning every available version of a gem is returned from sort_versions. The order gives preference to the requested level (:patch, :minor, :major) but in complicated requirement cases some gems will by necessity be promoted past the requested level, or even reverted to older versions.

If strict is set to true, the results from sort_versions will be truncated, eliminating any version outside the current level scope. This can lead to unexpected outcomes or even VersionConflict exceptions that report a version of a gem not existing for versions that indeed do existing in the referenced source.

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Creates a GemVersionPromoter instance.

@return [GemVersionPromoter]

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 29
def initialize
  @level = :major
  @strict = false
  @pre = false

Public Instance Methods

filter_versions(package, specs) click to toggle source

Given a Resolver::Package and an Array of Specifications of available versions for a gem, this method will truncate the Array if strict is true. That means filtering out downgrades from the version currently locked, and filtering out upgrades that go past the selected level (major, minor, or patch). @param package [Resolver::Package] The package being resolved. @param specs [Specification] An array of Specifications for the package. @return [Specification] A new instance of the Specification Array

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 105
def filter_versions(package, specs)
  return specs unless strict

  locked_version = package.locked_version
  return specs if locked_version.nil? || major? do |spec|
    gsv = spec.version

    must_match = minor? ? [0] : [0, 1]

    all_match = must_match.all? {|idx| gsv.segments[idx] == locked_version.segments[idx] }
    all_match && gsv >= locked_version
level=(value) click to toggle source

@param value [Symbol] One of three Symbols: :major, :minor or :patch.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 36
def level=(value)
  v = case value
      when String, Symbol

  raise ArgumentError, "Unexpected level #{v}. Must be :major, :minor or :patch" unless [:major, :minor, :patch].include?(v)
  @level = v
major?() click to toggle source

@return [bool] Convenience method for testing value of level variable.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 82
def major?
  level == :major
minor?() click to toggle source

@return [bool] Convenience method for testing value of level variable.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 87
def minor?
  level == :minor
pre?() click to toggle source

@return [bool] Convenience method for testing value of pre variable.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 92
def pre?
  pre == true
sort_versions(package, specs) click to toggle source

Given a Resolver::Package and an Array of Specifications of available versions for a gem, this method will return the Array of Specifications sorted in an order to give preference to the current level (:major, :minor or :patch) when resolution is deciding what versions best resolve all dependencies in the bundle. @param package [Resolver::Package] The package being resolved. @param specs [Specification] An array of Specifications for the package. @return [Specification] A new instance of the Specification Array sorted.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 54
def sort_versions(package, specs)
  locked_version = package.locked_version

  result = specs.sort do |a, b|
    unless package.prerelease_specified? || pre?
      a_pre = a.prerelease?
      b_pre = b.prerelease?

      next 1 if a_pre && !b_pre
      next -1 if b_pre && !a_pre

    if major? || locked_version.nil?
      b <=> a
    elsif either_version_older_than_locked?(a, b, locked_version)
      b <=> a
    elsif segments_do_not_match?(a, b, :major)
      a <=> b
    elsif !minor? && segments_do_not_match?(a, b, :minor)
      a <=> b
      b <=> a
  post_sort(result, package.unlock?, locked_version)

Private Instance Methods

either_version_older_than_locked?(a, b, locked_version) click to toggle source
# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 123
def either_version_older_than_locked?(a, b, locked_version)
  a.version < locked_version || b.version < locked_version
move_version_to_beginning(result, version) click to toggle source
# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 144
def move_version_to_beginning(result, version)
  move, keep = result.partition {|s| s.version.to_s == version.to_s }
post_sort(result, unlock, locked_version) click to toggle source

Specific version moves can’t always reliably be done during sorting as not all elements are compared against each other.

# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 134
def post_sort(result, unlock, locked_version)
  # default :major behavior in Bundler does not do this
  return result if major?
  if unlock || locked_version.nil?
    move_version_to_beginning(result, locked_version)
segments_do_not_match?(a, b, level) click to toggle source
# File bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb, line 127
def segments_do_not_match?(a, b, level)
  index = [:major, :minor].index(level)
  a.segments[index] != b.segments[index]