class YARP::InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode
Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation that is being used in the predicate of a conditional to implicitly match against the last line read by an IO object.
if /foo #{bar} baz/ then end ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
attr_reader closing_loc
: Location
attr_reader opening_loc
: Location
attr_reader parts: Array
Public Class Methods
def initialize: (opening_loc
: Location
, parts: Array, closing_loc
: Location
, flags: Integer, location: Location
) -> void
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5908 def initialize(opening_loc, parts, closing_loc, flags, location) @opening_loc = opening_loc @parts = parts @closing_loc = closing_loc @flags = flags @location = location end
Public Instance Methods
def accept: (visitor: Visitor
) -> void
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5917 def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_interpolated_match_last_line_node(self) end
def ascii_8bit?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5986 def ascii_8bit? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::ASCII_8BIT) end
def child_nodes
: () -> Array[nil | Node]
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5927 def child_nodes [*parts] end
def closing: () -> String
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5961 def closing closing_loc.slice end
def comment_targets
: () -> Array[Node | Location]
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5932 def comment_targets [opening_loc, *parts, closing_loc] end
def copy: (**params) -> InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5937 def copy(**params) params.fetch(:opening_loc) { opening_loc }, params.fetch(:parts) { parts }, params.fetch(:closing_loc) { closing_loc }, params.fetch(:flags) { flags }, params.fetch(:location) { location }, ) end
def euc_jp?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5981 def euc_jp? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EUC_JP) end
def extended?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5971 def extended? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EXTENDED) end
def ignore_case?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5966 def ignore_case? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::IGNORE_CASE) end
# File yarp/node.rb, line 6005 def inspect(inspector = inspector << inspector.header(self) inspector << "├── opening_loc: #{inspector.location(opening_loc)}\n" inspector << "├── parts: #{inspector.list("#{inspector.prefix}│ ", parts)}" inspector << "├── closing_loc: #{inspector.location(closing_loc)}\n" flags = [("ignore_case" if ignore_case?), ("extended" if extended?), ("multi_line" if multi_line?), ("euc_jp" if euc_jp?), ("ascii_8bit" if ascii_8bit?), ("windows_31j" if windows_31j?), ("utf_8" if utf_8?), ("once" if once?)].compact inspector << "└── flags: #{flags.empty? ? "∅" : flags.join(", ")}\n" inspector.to_str end
def multi_line?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5976 def multi_line? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::MULTI_LINE) end
def once?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 6001 def once? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::ONCE) end
def opening: () -> String
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5956 def opening opening_loc.slice end
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5921 def set_newline_flag(newline_marked) first = parts.first first.set_newline_flag(newline_marked) if first end
def utf_8?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5996 def utf_8? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::UTF_8) end
def windows_31j?: () -> bool
# File yarp/node.rb, line 5991 def windows_31j? flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::WINDOWS_31J) end