Support for the Ruby 2.4 series has ended. See here for reference.
objects controls OLE event.
Translates and dispatches Windows message.
static VALUE fev_s_msg_loop(VALUE klass) { ole_msg_loop(); return Qnil; }
Returns OLE event object. The first argument specifies WIN32OLE
object. The second argument specifies OLE event name.
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev =, 'DWebBrowserEvents')
static VALUE fev_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ev_advise(argc, argv, self); evs_push(self); rb_ivar_set(self, id_events, rb_ary_new()); fev_set_handler(self, Qnil); return self; }
returns handler object.
static VALUE fev_get_handler(VALUE self) { return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("handler")); }
sets event handler object. If handler object has onXXX method according to XXX event, then onXXX method is called when XXX event occurs.
If handler object has method_missing and there is no method according to the event, then method_missing called and 1-st argument is event name.
If handler object has onXXX method and there is block defined by WIN32OLE_EVENT#on_event
('XXX'){}, then block is executed but handler object method is not called when XXX event occurs.
class Handler def onStatusTextChange(text) puts "StatusTextChanged" end def onPropertyChange(prop) puts "PropertyChanged" end def method_missing(ev, *arg) puts "other event #{ev}" end end handler = ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev = ev.on_event("StatusTextChange") {|*args| puts "this block executed." puts "handler.onStatusTextChange method is not called." } ev.handler = handler
static VALUE fev_set_handler(VALUE self, VALUE val) { return rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("handler"), val); }
removes the callback of event.
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev = ev.on_event('BeforeNavigate2') {|*args| args.last[6] = true } ... ev.off_event('BeforeNavigate2') ...
static VALUE fev_off_event(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE event = Qnil; VALUE events; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &event); if(!NIL_P(event)) { if(!RB_TYPE_P(event, T_STRING) && !RB_TYPE_P(event, T_SYMBOL)) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type (expected String or Symbol)"); } if (RB_TYPE_P(event, T_SYMBOL)) { event = rb_sym2str(event); } } events = rb_ivar_get(self, id_events); if (NIL_P(events)) { return Qnil; } ole_delete_event(events, event); return Qnil; }
Defines the callback event. If argument is omitted, this method defines the callback of all events. If you want to modify reference argument in callback, return hash in callback. If you want to return value to OLE server as result of callback use `return' or :return.
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev = ev.on_event("NavigateComplete") {|url| puts url} ev.on_event() {|ev, *args| puts "#{ev} fired"} ev.on_event("BeforeNavigate2") {|*args| ... # set true to BeforeNavigate reference argument `Cancel'. # Cancel is 7-th argument of BeforeNavigate, # so you can use 6 as key of hash instead of 'Cancel'. # The argument is counted from 0. # The hash key of 0 means first argument.) {:Cancel => true} # or {'Cancel' => true} or {6 => true} } ev.on_event(...) {|*args| {:return => 1, :xxx => yyy} }
static VALUE fev_on_event(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return ev_on_event(argc, argv, self, Qfalse); }
Defines the callback of event. If you want modify argument in callback, you could use this method instead of WIN32OLE_EVENT#on_event
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev = ev.on_event_with_outargs('BeforeNavigate2') {|*args| args.last[6] = true }
static VALUE fev_on_event_with_outargs(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return ev_on_event(argc, argv, self, Qtrue); }
disconnects OLE server. If this method called, then the WIN32OLE_EVENT
object does not receive the OLE server event any more. This method is trial implementation.
ie ='InternetExplorer.Application') ev = ev.on_event() {...} ... ev.unadvise
static VALUE fev_unadvise(VALUE self) { struct oleeventdata *poleev; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct oleeventdata, &oleevent_datatype, poleev); if (poleev->pConnectionPoint) { ole_msg_loop(); evs_delete(poleev->event_id); poleev->pConnectionPoint->lpVtbl->Unadvise(poleev->pConnectionPoint, poleev->dwCookie); OLE_RELEASE(poleev->pConnectionPoint); poleev->pConnectionPoint = NULL; } OLE_FREE(poleev->pDispatch); return Qnil; }