Support for the Ruby 2.4 series has ended. See here for reference.
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 35 def add_need_initialize_variable(variable_name, init_value=nil, &init_block) init_value ||= init_block self::NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES << [variable_name, init_value] end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 31 def add_other_element(variable_name) self::OTHER_ELEMENTS << variable_name end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 41 def def_array_element(name, plural=nil, klass_name=nil) include Enumerable extend Forwardable plural ||= "#{name}s" klass_name ||= Utils.to_class_name(name) def_delegators("@#{plural}", :<<, :[], :[]=, :first, :last) def_delegators("@#{plural}", :push, :pop, :shift, :unshift) def_delegators("@#{plural}", :each, :size, :empty?, :clear) add_need_initialize_variable(plural) {[]} module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def new_#{name} #{name} = self.class::#{klass_name}.new(@maker) @#{plural} << #{name} if block_given? yield #{name} else #{name} end end alias new_child new_#{name} def to_feed(*args) @#{plural}.each do |#{name}| #{name}.to_feed(*args) end end def replace(elements) @#{plural}.replace(elements.to_a) end EOC end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 95 def def_classed_element(name, class_name=nil, attribute_name=nil) def_classed_element_without_accessor(name, class_name) if attribute_name module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{name} if block_given? yield(@#{name}) else @#{name}.#{attribute_name} end end def #{name}=(new_value) @#{name}.#{attribute_name} = new_value end EOC else attr_reader name end end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 77 def def_classed_element_without_accessor(name, class_name=nil) class_name ||= Utils.to_class_name(name) add_other_element(name) add_need_initialize_variable(name) do |object| object.send("make_#{name}") end module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) private def setup_#{name}(feed, current) @#{name}.to_feed(feed, current) end def make_#{name} self.class::#{class_name}.new(@maker) end EOC end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 116 def def_classed_elements(name, attribute, plural_class_name=nil, plural_name=nil, new_name=nil) plural_name ||= "#{name}s" new_name ||= name def_classed_element(plural_name, plural_class_name) local_variable_name = "_#{name}" new_value_variable_name = "new_value" additional_setup_code = nil if block_given? additional_setup_code = yield(local_variable_name, new_value_variable_name) end module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{name} #{local_variable_name} = #{plural_name}.first #{local_variable_name} ? #{local_variable_name}.#{attribute} : nil end def #{name}=(#{new_value_variable_name}) #{local_variable_name} = #{plural_name}.first || #{plural_name}.new_#{new_name} #{additional_setup_code} #{local_variable_name}.#{attribute} = #{new_value_variable_name} end EOC end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 160 def def_csv_element(name, type=nil) def_other_element_without_accessor(name) attr_reader(name) converter = "" if type == :integer converter = "{|v| Integer(v)}" end module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{name}=(value) @#{name} = Utils::CSV.parse(value)#{converter} end EOC end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 143 def def_other_element(name) attr_accessor name def_other_element_without_accessor(name) end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 148 def def_other_element_without_accessor(name) add_need_initialize_variable(name) add_other_element(name) module_eval(<<-EOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def setup_#{name}(feed, current) if !@#{name}.nil? and current.respond_to?(:#{name}=) current.#{name} = @#{name} end end EOC end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 26 def inherited(subclass) subclass.const_set(:OTHER_ELEMENTS, []) subclass.const_set(:NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES, []) end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 22 def inherited_base ::RSS::Maker::Base end
# File rss/maker/base.rb, line 18 def need_initialize_variables inherited_array_reader("NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES") end