In Files

  • csv/table.rb


A CSV::Table is a two-dimensional data structure for representing CSV documents. Tables allow you to work with the data by row or column, manipulate the data, and even convert the results back to CSV, if needed.

All tables returned by CSV will be constructed from this class, if header row processing is activated.



The current access mode for indexing and iteration.


Internal data format used to compare equality.

Public Class Methods

new(array_of_rows, headers: nil) click to toggle source

Construct a new CSV::Table from array_of_rows, which are expected to be CSV::Row objects. All rows are assumed to have the same headers.

The optional headers parameter can be set to Array of headers. If headers aren’t set, headers are fetched from CSV::Row objects. Otherwise, headers() method will return headers being set in headers argument.

A CSV::Table object supports the following Array methods through delegation:

  • empty?()

  • length()

  • size()

               # File csv/table.rb, line 31
def initialize(array_of_rows, headers: nil)
  @table = array_of_rows
  @headers = headers
  unless @headers
    if @table.empty?
      @headers = []
      @headers = @table.first.headers

  @mode  = :col_or_row

Public Instance Methods

<<(row_or_array) click to toggle source

Adds a new row to the bottom end of this table. You can provide an Array, which will be converted to a CSV::Row (inheriting the table’s headers()), or a CSV::Row.

This method returns the table for chaining.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 243
def <<(row_or_array)
  if row_or_array.is_a? Array  # append Array
    @table <<, row_or_array)
  else                         # append Row
    @table << row_or_array

  self # for chaining
==(other) click to toggle source

Returns true if all rows of this table ==() other‘s rows.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 344
def ==(other)
  return @table == other.table if other.is_a? CSV::Table
  @table == other
[](index_or_header) click to toggle source

In the default mixed mode, this method returns rows for index access and columns for header access. You can force the index association by first calling #by_col!() or #by_row!().

Columns are returned as an Array of values. Altering that Array has no effect on the table.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 155
def [](index_or_header)
  if @mode == :row or  # by index
     (@mode == :col_or_row and (index_or_header.is_a?(Integer) or index_or_header.is_a?(Range)))
  else                 # by header { |row| row[index_or_header] }
[]=(index_or_header, value) click to toggle source

In the default mixed mode, this method assigns rows for index access and columns for header access. You can force the index association by first calling #by_col!() or #by_row!().

Rows may be set to an Array of values (which will inherit the table’s headers()) or a CSV::Row.

Columns may be set to a single value, which is copied to each row of the column, or an Array of values. Arrays of values are assigned to rows top to bottom in row major order. Excess values are ignored and if the Array does not have a value for each row the extra rows will receive a nil.

Assigning to an existing column or row clobbers the data. Assigning to new columns creates them at the right end of the table.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 180
def []=(index_or_header, value)
  if @mode == :row or  # by index
     (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
    if value.is_a? Array
      @table[index_or_header] =, value)
      @table[index_or_header] = value
  else                 # set column
    unless index_or_header.is_a? Integer
      index = @headers.index(index_or_header) || @headers.size
      @headers[index] = index_or_header
    if value.is_a? Array  # multiple values
      @table.each_with_index do |row, i|
        if row.header_row?
          row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
          row[index_or_header] = value[i]
    else                  # repeated value
      @table.each do |row|
        if row.header_row?
          row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
          row[index_or_header] = value
by_col() click to toggle source

Returns a duplicate table object, in column mode. This is handy for chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.

This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don’t chain destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working with a duplicate.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 66
def by_col!
by_col!() click to toggle source

Switches the mode of this table to column mode. All calls to indexing and iteration methods will work with columns until the mode is changed again.

This method returns the table and is safe to chain.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 76
def by_col!
  @mode = :col

by_col_or_row() click to toggle source

Returns a duplicate table object, in mixed mode. This is handy for chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.

This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don’t chain destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working with a duplicate.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 91
def by_col_or_row!
by_col_or_row!() click to toggle source

Switches the mode of this table to mixed mode. All calls to indexing and iteration methods will use the default intelligent indexing system until the mode is changed again. In mixed mode an index is assumed to be a row reference while anything else is assumed to be column access by headers.

This method returns the table and is safe to chain.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 103
def by_col_or_row!
  @mode = :col_or_row

by_row() click to toggle source

Returns a duplicate table object, in row mode. This is handy for chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.

This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don’t chain destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working with a duplicate.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 118
def by_row!
by_row!() click to toggle source

Switches the mode of this table to row mode. All calls to indexing and iteration methods will work with rows until the mode is changed again.

This method returns the table and is safe to chain.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 128
def by_row!
  @mode = :row

delete(*indexes_or_headers) click to toggle source

Removes and returns the indicated columns or rows. In the default mixed mode indices refer to rows and everything else is assumed to be a column headers. Use #by_col!() or #by_row!() to force the lookup.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 271
def delete(*indexes_or_headers)
  if indexes_or_headers.empty?
    raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+)"
  deleted_values = do |index_or_header|
    if @mode == :row or  # by index
        (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
    else                 # by header
      if index_or_header.is_a? Integer
      end { |row| row.delete(index_or_header).last }
  if indexes_or_headers.size == 1
delete_if(&block) click to toggle source

Removes any column or row for which the block returns true. In the default mixed mode or row mode, iteration is the standard row major walking of rows. In column mode, iteration will yield two element tuples containing the column name and an Array of values for that column.

This method returns the table for chaining.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 305
def delete_if(&block)
  return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row ? size : headers.size } unless block_given?

  if @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row  # by index
  else                                      # by header
    deleted = []
    headers.each do |header|
      deleted << delete(header) if yield([header, self[header]])

  self # for chaining
dig(index_or_header, *index_or_headers) click to toggle source

Extracts the nested value specified by the sequence of index or header objects by calling dig at each step, returning nil if any intermediate step is nil.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 383
def dig(index_or_header, *index_or_headers)
  value = self[index_or_header]
  if value.nil?
  elsif index_or_headers.empty?
    unless value.respond_to?(:dig)
      raise TypeError, "#{value.class} does not have \#dig method"
each(&block) click to toggle source

In the default mixed mode or row mode, iteration is the standard row major walking of rows. In column mode, iteration will yield two element tuples containing the column name and an Array of values for that column.

This method returns the table for chaining.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 331
def each(&block)
  return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :col ? headers.size : size } unless block_given?

  if @mode == :col
    headers.each { |header| yield([header, self[header]]) }

  self # for chaining
headers() click to toggle source

Returns the headers for the first row of this table (assumed to match all other rows). The headers Array passed to ::new is returned for empty tables.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 139
def headers
  if @table.empty?
inspect() click to toggle source

Shows the mode and size of this table in a US-ASCII String.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 398
def inspect
  "#<#{self.class} mode:#{@mode} row_count:#{to_a.size}>".encode("US-ASCII")
push(*rows) click to toggle source

A shortcut for appending multiple rows. Equivalent to:

rows.each { |row| self << row }

This method returns the table for chaining.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 260
def push(*rows)
  rows.each { |row| self << row }

  self # for chaining
to_a() click to toggle source

Returns the table as an Array of Arrays. Headers will be the first row, then all of the field rows will follow.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 353
def to_a
  array = [headers]
  @table.each do |row|
    array.push(row.fields) unless row.header_row?

to_csv(write_headers: true, **options) click to toggle source

Returns the table as a complete CSV String. Headers will be listed first, then all of the field rows.

This method assumes you want the #headers, unless you explicitly pass :write_headers => false.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 369
def to_csv(write_headers: true, **options)
  array = write_headers ? [headers.to_csv(options)] : []
  @table.each do |row|
    array.push(row.fields.to_csv(options)) unless row.header_row?

Also aliased as: to_s
to_s(write_headers: true, **options) click to toggle source
Alias for: to_csv
values_at(*indices_or_headers) click to toggle source

The mixed mode default is to treat a list of indices as row access, returning the rows indicated. Anything else is considered columnar access. For columnar access, the return set has an Array for each row with the values indicated by the headers in each Array. You can force column or row mode using #by_col!() or #by_row!().

You cannot mix column and row access.

               # File csv/table.rb, line 222
def values_at(*indices_or_headers)
  if @mode == :row or  # by indices
     ( @mode == :col_or_row and indices_or_headers.all? do |index|
                                  index.is_a?(Integer)         or
                                  ( index.is_a?(Range)         and
                                    index.first.is_a?(Integer) and
                                    index.last.is_a?(Integer) )
                                end )
  else                 # by headers { |row| row.values_at(*indices_or_headers) }