# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 11 def self.compact_index_request(method_name) method = instance_method(method_name) undef_method(method_name) define_method(method_name) do |*args, &blk| begin method.bind(self).call(*args, &blk) rescue NetworkDownError, CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError => e raise HTTPError, e.message rescue AuthenticationRequiredError # Fail since we got a 401 from the server. raise rescue HTTPError => e Bundler.ui.trace(e) nil end end end
# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 76 def api_fetcher? true end
# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 64 def available? return nil unless SharedHelpers.md5_available? user_home = Bundler.user_home return nil unless user_home.directory? && user_home.writable? # Read info file checksums out of /versions, so we can know if gems are up to date fetch_uri.scheme != "file" && compact_index_client.update_and_parse_checksums! rescue CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError => e Bundler.ui.debug(e.message) nil end
# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 54 def fetch_spec(spec) spec -= [nil, "ruby", ""] contents = compact_index_client.spec(*spec) return nil if contents.nil? contents.unshift(spec.first) contents[3].map! {|d| Gem::Dependency.new(*d) } EndpointSpecification.new(*contents) end
# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 29 def specs(gem_names) specs_for_names(gem_names) end
# File bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb, line 34 def specs_for_names(gem_names) gem_info = [] complete_gems = [] remaining_gems = gem_names.dup until remaining_gems.empty? log_specs "Looking up gems #{remaining_gems.inspect}" deps = compact_index_client.dependencies(remaining_gems) next_gems = deps.map {|d| d[3].map(&:first).flatten(1) }.flatten(1).uniq deps.each {|dep| gem_info << dep } complete_gems.concat(deps.map(&:first)).uniq! remaining_gems = next_gems - complete_gems end @bundle_worker.stop if @bundle_worker @bundle_worker = nil # reset it. Not sure if necessary gem_info end