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A Pad is like a Window but allows for scrolling of contents that cannot fit on the screen. Pads do not refresh automatically, use #refresh or #noutrefresh instead.

Public Class Methods

new(height, width) click to toggle source

Construct a new Curses::Pad with constraints of height lines, width columns

               static VALUE
pad_initialize(VALUE obj, VALUE h, VALUE w)
    struct windata *padp;
    WINDOW *window;

    TypedData_Get_Struct(obj, struct windata, &windata_type, padp);
    if (padp->window) delwin(padp->window);
    window = newpad(NUM2INT(h), NUM2INT(w));
    padp->window = window;

    return obj;

Public Instance Methods

noutrefresh(pad_minrow, pad_mincol, screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol) click to toggle source

Refreshes the pad. pad_minrow and pad_mincol+ define the upper-left corner of the rectangle to be displayed. screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol define the edges of the rectangle to be displayed on the screen.

               static VALUE
pad_noutrefresh(VALUE obj, VALUE pminrow, VALUE pmincol, VALUE sminrow,
                VALUE smincol, VALUE smaxrow, VALUE smaxcol)
    struct windata *padp;
    int pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc;

    pmr = NUM2INT(pminrow);
    pmc = NUM2INT(pmincol);
    smr = NUM2INT(sminrow);
    smc = NUM2INT(smincol);
    sxr = NUM2INT(smaxrow);
    sxc = NUM2INT(smaxcol);

    GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
    pnoutrefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);
    prefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);

    return Qnil;
refresh(pad_minrow, pad_mincol, screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol) click to toggle source

Refreshes the pad. pad_minrow and pad_mincol+ define the upper-left corner of the rectangle to be displayed. screen_minrow, screen_mincol, screen_maxrow, screen_maxcol define the edges of the rectangle to be displayed on the screen.

               static VALUE
pad_refresh(VALUE obj, VALUE pminrow, VALUE pmincol, VALUE sminrow,
            VALUE smincol, VALUE smaxrow, VALUE smaxcol)
    struct windata *padp;
    int pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc;

    pmr = NUM2INT(pminrow);
    pmc = NUM2INT(pmincol);
    smr = NUM2INT(sminrow);
    smc = NUM2INT(smincol);
    sxr = NUM2INT(smaxrow);
    sxc = NUM2INT(smaxcol);

    GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
    prefresh(padp->window, pmr, pmc, smr, smc, sxr, sxc);

    return Qnil;
subpad(height, width, begin_x, begin_y) click to toggle source

Construct a new subpad with constraints of height lines, width columns, begin at begin_x line, and begin_y columns on the pad.

               static VALUE
pad_subpad(VALUE obj, VALUE height, VALUE width, VALUE begin_x, VALUE begin_y)
    struct windata *padp;
    WINDOW *subpad;
    VALUE pad;
    int h, w, x, y;

    h = NUM2INT(height);
    w = NUM2INT(width);
    x = NUM2INT(begin_x);
    y = NUM2INT(begin_y);
    GetWINDOW(obj, padp);
    subpad = subwin(padp->window, h, w, x, y);
    pad = prep_window(rb_obj_class(obj), subpad);

    return pad;

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